Those of you who follow our Sequim Vacation blog regularly, stay definitely in touch with the Sequim weather. We have friends in Hawaii who intend to move here and believe us, they check our Sequim weather logo as often as possible. We had a long, much colder spring than usual. When we believe the weather guys it was the coldest spring in 100 years. Whether this is true or not, it definitely felt great when summer started and the thermometer showed summer temperatures. For the last few days, it seemed actually a little bit too much with temperatures around 86 F. We even had to run the AC on two days.
Well, with spring being cold and not not as sunny as necessary for fruits, berries and vegetables growing nicely, the berry season in Sequim started really late. I'd say 2 - 3 weeks late. Last summer we were always picking something, starting with the strawberries at Graysmarsh, then cherries and blue berries at our private picking place, back to Graysmarsh for raspberries and closing the season with picking wild blackberries at our special picking spots.

When we decided on Sunday to go for our first strawberry picking to Graysmarsh, we were surprised to find the farm gates closed. They were sold out or picked out. No berries were left! We went back the way we came from, to Sequim Dungeness and just crossed the road there and followed the sign to the Cameron Strawberry Farm for about 3 miles on Woodcock. Cameron Strawberry Farm is on 899 West Hendrickson Road in Sequim. On our leisurely drive to the farm, we could not resist to take a few photos of the beautiful Olympic Mountain views!

When we arrived at the strawberry farm, we got welcomed by Dave the owner telling us where we'd find the best berries and handing us light styrofoam containers to keep the fruits from getting smashed. We joined the pickers in the fields and were amazed to find an abundance of ripe strawberries. Within half an hour, we both had picked the ripest and sweetest strawberries. For all those Sequim visitors who like to pick berries when on their Sequim vacation, both berry farms, Cameron and Graysmarsh, charge now $1.50 per pound for u-pick your own berries. Believe us these fruits are worthwhile the money and your picking effort.

Pick Berries in Sequim
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