Tuesday, January 12, 2016

To all our Sequim visitors 'Happy New Year 2016'

Happy Healthy New Year

May all your plans moving to Sequim work out the way they are supposed to

The early morning sun is hitting the clouds building up behind the Olympic Mountains.

A few minutes later the sky cleared up and the snow on Hurricane Ridge - our most visited sight on the Olympic Peninsula - sparkles in the sun.

Sun rise view from Sequim over another part of the Olympics - a feature which every home seller likes to list. The ever changing sun shine and cloud cover make the mountain views unique and special. We prefer those over the water views.

Sequim Town blog loves to hear from you. We are happy to answer your questions about a vacation in Sequim, life on the Olympic Peninsula, moving here, anything beyond our categories on the side bar. Scroll down the list: Sequim Relocation Resources, Moving to Sequim, Vacation rentals and B&Bs, Sequim Hotels, Vacation Highlights and more and you will find a lot of answers about Sequim.