Thursday, September 13, 2007

4th Annual Olympic Peninsula Health Fair in Sequim

This blog post is sponsored by Easy Stretch Video - Body/Mind Realaxation

Dear Sequim Town Blog visitors,
We are happy to see that more and more people, who intend to relocate to Sequim from California, Arizona, Colorado and even from Hawaii like us, find our blog useful for their moving plans to Sequim. Please, feel free to ask any question regards life in Sequim, weather or whatever. Please, use the comment button, so we can respond right here at the blog and other Sequim interested blog visitors can read it too.

As long time massage therapists in the state of Hawaii, we naturally pay attention to staying healthy through exercise, stretching, right eating and nutritional supplements. The 4th Olympic Peninsula Health Fair on Saturday September 15 at Sequim High School offers lots of health and wellness services. Free health screenings will be available such as blood sugar analysis and even up to 300 free tetanus inoculations. Over twenty more free screenings will be available as a gift to the community! You can bet that I will take advantage of as many as I can, as I am not on Medicare yet and my monthly premium of $300 and $5000 deductible does not cover any of those needed services.

Since this post is about health related issues, we should mention medical facilities and doctors in Sequim. There seem to be many to choose from when you first arrive but to tell you the truth it is not that easy is to find a doctor. Here is why. Keoki is on Medicare. We had to call several doctors in Sequim in order to find one which would still accept a Medicare patient. A doctor needs to make a living too and with Medicare just paying the doctors to get by, a lot of the Sequim doctors don't take new Medicare patients. So we were lucky when we found a great doctor for both of us.

As senior citizens we were concerned about having easy access to a hospital in the Sequim area. Sequim does not have a hospital at the moment but with our Sequim requirement community steadily growing we might see one soon. Currently the Olympic Medical Center in Port Angeles serves also for Sequim residents. With 15 miles from Sequim, it's in easy reach. The PA hospital is well equipped and patient service is decent. To give you peace of mind, the 911 Emergency Service in Sequim responds very fast to calls.

Stay happy and healthy in Sequim. We see you at the Health Fair. The Sequimers

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